Pilot, Major Krasnoyartsev who dropped bombs on residential quarter of Chernihiv on March 5, 2022, along with the other pilot, Major K.V. Krivolapov who deceased. The other pilot of the downed Su-34 bomber is known for bombing peaceful citizens in Syria; he may be found on the Myrotvorets database.
Today, on March 5, 2022, soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured the pilot of downed Russian plane Su-34 that bombed Chernihiv. It was Major Krasnoyartsev from military unit 8689. The other pilot, Major K.V. Krivolapov deceased.
Press office of the General Staff released the video of Krasnoyartsev’s interrogation. The pilot claimed it was the first time that he flew over Chernihiv, and previously he only flew along the border. Northern Operative Command specified that the pilot carried documents that are supposed to confirm the crimes against Ukrainian nation in court in The Hague.
Dozens of other POWs are the proof of the crimes committed by Putinist Russia; it shells cities from Grad missile launchers, rains bombs on Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kherson and other cities.
Sergei Blazhok (born in 1988) is a private, gunner of an infantry fighting vehicle (military unit 90600) who lives in Kinel, Samara oblast. Just like the other captives, he has the opportunity to call his parents. Recognizing the fact that the Russian forces attack civilians and kill children, he cries hysterically. “So much s**t is taking place here. They kill our boys like sheep. We come in convoys. Peaceful people die, and beautiful cities are ruined. They appear to be nice people. We spend four times getting cold in swamps. When we surrendered, they gave us warm clothes and fed us. Our boys fight for nothing. A lot of men are dead!”. His mother replies: “Why do you cry? Don’t”.
Artem Mikheyev holds a cup of hot tea, with tears running down his face. He serves with the 30th Rocket Artillery Brigade of Russia’s Armed Forces in the city of Ulan-Ude. “Forgive me. Children die, and houses are damaged. It was my mistake not to turn the offer down. I though we were here for a short time. Some people even wore St. George’s ribbons”.
The occupant said that his unit had the objective to reach Kyiv in the matter of 24 hours, cut the city from the west and wait for paratroopers to arrive. These were supposed to help change the government in Ukraine. Calling their parents, Mikheyev said: “I survived by pure miracle, I got lucky. Our convoy was attacked, my driver was killed, and I decided to surrender. Initially, I hid in the city. I watched how our troops bombed civilians. There were many casualties. And they just told us that we should come here and capture Kyiv, and people would not object. But the Ukrainian people united against us”.
Mihkeyev said he took too many loans in the bank; he wanted to earn some money and he was afraid to doubt the criminal orders.
Igor Rudenko, commander of communications, commander of managing platoon of Russia’s artillery division and other 11 people were captured by local villages with hunting rifles - after their vehicle was wrecked.
“We participated in drills. On February 24, we shaped convoys and headed for the border. Our objective was to capture Nova Kakhovka, Mykolaiv and Odesa. They told us it all was discussed and agreed with the government, saying it will be the way it was in 2014, when Crimea was occupied”.
Rudenko has served in the army since 2011; during the occupation, he betrayed Ukraine and came to serve the enemy.
“We never shot at houses, we opened fire in the field. I want to turn to the people of Ukraine; everything they told us was a lie. Putin told us so much s**t. They bomb Kharkiv, Kyiv, residential quarters, children are killed”, he said with his voice shaking.
Dmytro Shyshkanov, the Major of Russian army was captured along with Rudenko.
Ukraine’s cyber troops recorded his conversation with his wife “We’re in hell, 16 kilometers from Kyiv. We’re standing here, they encircled us. The 2nd battalion reached us yesterday, and this morning, they were defeated. Shell them all back at home, so that they all ****ing die there”, he said.
“Kill”, the wife told him.
That’s Russian peace, which came to Ukraine with war.